Artist of the Spirit's Life Coach Certification & Process
Certification fees are included in Artist's course fees - so you don't pay more!
All Coaches who certify receive:
"I highly recommend Artist of the Spirit for anyone who is looking to transform themselves from the inside out because that is what it did for me. Now I am ready to share that experience with others and help build a better world, one person at a time." Randi Radabaugh
How Artist of the Spirit's Certification 'Works'
Artist of the Spirit is an intensive, so make sure
you have the time you need to study/practice so you're SUCCESSFUL!
Active participation is so helpful for you as you interact with other students to share and support each other!
We know that everyone brings their own life experiences and wisdom to the table, and that everyone can benefit from sharing insights and experience.
So, participating is an asset to your certification process, as well as:
The 'final' consists of a written essay and an oral ‘coach the coach’ evaluation. During the 'coach the coach' session there is also an opportunity for feedback and to discuss your certification - which will be in one, two or all of these three: Certified Life Coach (CLC), Certified Spiritual Coach (CSC) and Certified Energetic Coach (CSC). You will have had feedback and 'fine tuning' sessions to perfect your coaching - so relax!
Your success is our highest priority and we have a 'no student left behind' approach, so every possible support for you is provided as you learn the skills of coaching! (See Note Below)**
When complete, you will be comfortable coaching people through life transitions, leading them through healing energy practices, helping them discover and live their dreams, find meaning and fulfillment in life and to change or enhance those aspects that are most important to them.
AND, you'll have an amazing tool box of energetic and shamanic journeying/healing practices to teach clients as well as guide them more deeply into themselves. This is how Artist of the Spirit is different from other life coach training programs - the lessons on developing your intuition, listening to your inner/higher guidance and energetic practices that everyone will benefit from.
**NOTE** - It has happened that students didn't prioritize the training and so didn't complete their six required sessions (plus extra for energy practice when needed) in the three months allotted for this. In this case, Artist reserves the right to charge an additional fee for each session's evaluation/feedback report held after the course deadline.
We know that everyone brings their own life experiences and wisdom to the table, and that everyone can benefit from sharing insights and experience.
So, participating is an asset to your certification process, as well as:
- Attend the weekly class teachings - missing more than three could raise questions unless you're in a challenged time zone and/or have made other arrangements/agreements
- Coach and be coached 6-8 times (each) during the last two months of the program. All sessions are recorded for evaluation (we give you the means to record!). To certify, you need to have a minimum of 6 recorded sessions where you have coached another.
- Passing the final written essay section and a ‘coach the coach’ coaching session with one of our trainers.
The 'final' consists of a written essay and an oral ‘coach the coach’ evaluation. During the 'coach the coach' session there is also an opportunity for feedback and to discuss your certification - which will be in one, two or all of these three: Certified Life Coach (CLC), Certified Spiritual Coach (CSC) and Certified Energetic Coach (CSC). You will have had feedback and 'fine tuning' sessions to perfect your coaching - so relax!
Your success is our highest priority and we have a 'no student left behind' approach, so every possible support for you is provided as you learn the skills of coaching! (See Note Below)**
When complete, you will be comfortable coaching people through life transitions, leading them through healing energy practices, helping them discover and live their dreams, find meaning and fulfillment in life and to change or enhance those aspects that are most important to them.
AND, you'll have an amazing tool box of energetic and shamanic journeying/healing practices to teach clients as well as guide them more deeply into themselves. This is how Artist of the Spirit is different from other life coach training programs - the lessons on developing your intuition, listening to your inner/higher guidance and energetic practices that everyone will benefit from.
**NOTE** - It has happened that students didn't prioritize the training and so didn't complete their six required sessions (plus extra for energy practice when needed) in the three months allotted for this. In this case, Artist reserves the right to charge an additional fee for each session's evaluation/feedback report held after the course deadline.
Extra Support Once You're Certified
Artist of the Spirit's free, monthly support calls are recorded and posted in your web access. It's a place for you to ask questions that have arisen as you have gone out to begin your own coaching practice - and get laser coaching if wanted!
A Facebook page for each group keeps you connected, and Artist's Graduate FaceBook page gives you access to wisdom from coaches at all levels - from just starting a practice, to coaching for years. New training opportunities are also added there - so, you're covered with extra educational offerings, too!
A Facebook page for each group keeps you connected, and Artist's Graduate FaceBook page gives you access to wisdom from coaches at all levels - from just starting a practice, to coaching for years. New training opportunities are also added there - so, you're covered with extra educational offerings, too!