(Click each to see the answer!)
Is this a religious program?
No. Artist of the Spirit teaches different ways of approaching life and work that are not related to any religion. We are based in Toltec Psychology, which is a brilliant study of human development.
Our material can be considered an inclusive way of approaching life based on discovering your inner wisdom and an appreciation of the basic universal energies that affect us all.
Our spiritual approach could best be described as: Spirituality is not what you believe or know. Spirituality is the way you live life, moment to moment , day to day. It's the way you do what you do and the energy, quality, sincerity, determination, attention and integrity you carry as you live your life. The truth is in how you walk through each moment and the foot prints and energy you leave as you go.
Truth is a foundation, and seeking that truth is an individual matter as each of us has our own, unique perspective – and all are valid.
We honor and welcome students from all religious perspectives and spiritual backgrounds and traditions.
Our material can be considered an inclusive way of approaching life based on discovering your inner wisdom and an appreciation of the basic universal energies that affect us all.
Our spiritual approach could best be described as: Spirituality is not what you believe or know. Spirituality is the way you live life, moment to moment , day to day. It's the way you do what you do and the energy, quality, sincerity, determination, attention and integrity you carry as you live your life. The truth is in how you walk through each moment and the foot prints and energy you leave as you go.
Truth is a foundation, and seeking that truth is an individual matter as each of us has our own, unique perspective – and all are valid.
We honor and welcome students from all religious perspectives and spiritual backgrounds and traditions.
Do I really get 3 certifications and Artist Live Class:
Yes - 3 certifications are available! We train you as a life coach, energetic coach and spiritual coach in this one training!
- For the life coach certification, you need to be able to coach (not teach, tell, or be a consultant).
- For the energetic certification, you need to be able to relax and skillfully, smoothly guide, while you follow your client's lead in the energetic practices.
- For the spiritual certification, you are opening up to your intuition, inner guidance and wisdom - practicing patience, compassion, deep listening - and supporting clients to do the same within themselves - supporting them to open to their higher intuition, truth and inner guidance.
- NOTE: We've added an option to take Artist's live course for the skills learned without going through the certification process. This means you attend all the Tuesday classes and receive exactly the same materials. The difference are that you don't do peer coaching, you don't go through the certification process and you aren't coached each month by Diana.
Why "artist of the Spirit" and the reason for the name?
HeatherAsh and Diana were trained in don Miguel Ruiz’s lineage and he often said we are all ‘Artists of the Spirit’. We love the creativity, authenticity and integrity of the teachings and the concept of being an artist of our own spirits and lives. So, given that this is what our program is about – being/creating yourself in your truth and integrity – we chose this as the name for our program! AND, you learn Toltec psychology/philosophy as the basis of our coaching model - to empower yourself & your clients.
Is Artist of the Spirit ICF certified?
Given that there are as yet no regulations or requirements on life coaching, all organizations are self-regulating. ICF is a life coach training organization working to establish regulations for coaches, however ICF is on the same footing as all other life coach training programs, which is independent. Should governments begin to regulate coaching, ICF would become obsolete.
We have looked at ICF certification but, given the above, we do not feel it necessary. Artist of the Spirit is a unique program offering a unique curriculum in addition to standard life coach training. This requires our coaches to learn energetic tools not offered (or often understood) by typical life coach training programs. Consequently, Artist of the Spirit chooses to retain its freedom to teach tools we believe are important to the field of body, mind and spirit coaches.
We have looked at ICF certification but, given the above, we do not feel it necessary. Artist of the Spirit is a unique program offering a unique curriculum in addition to standard life coach training. This requires our coaches to learn energetic tools not offered (or often understood) by typical life coach training programs. Consequently, Artist of the Spirit chooses to retain its freedom to teach tools we believe are important to the field of body, mind and spirit coaches.
Do I have to live in the USA?
Artist of the Spirit is a global program and has students worldwide, so all geographical areas are welcome! The course is taught in English, so students do need a working use of that language, though you do not need to be considered 'fluent'.
All classes are held by conference call, with videos and course material on the internet for you to study.
Special consideration is made for international students in time zones that can’t make the Tuesday evening classes.
All classes are held by conference call, with videos and course material on the internet for you to study.
Special consideration is made for international students in time zones that can’t make the Tuesday evening classes.
How long and how often are the classes?
The live class calls are every Tuesday evening at 7:00 central USA time for 13 weeks with scheduling adjustments made for US national holidays. The total class conference call lasts 2 hours with the first 1.5 hrs. for teaching and Q&A, followed by student breakout sessions where you talk with other students to share, support and brainstorm.
Depending on international students, a mid-day class may be added each Tuesday to accommodate various time zones.
All sessions are recorded and put on the student’s page on the website so if you a class, you have the information available to catch up. We ask that you miss no more than three of the live classes unless special arrangements are made with trainers.
Depending on international students, a mid-day class may be added each Tuesday to accommodate various time zones.
All sessions are recorded and put on the student’s page on the website so if you a class, you have the information available to catch up. We ask that you miss no more than three of the live classes unless special arrangements are made with trainers.
How many hours a week does the course entail?
This will largely depend on which student level you're participating at (certification course or live classes only) and your dedication to learning and practicing the tools taught. You can roughly expect to spend:
- 1st Month: 2-4 hrs./wk. on class, reading course materials, practices (all student levels)
- 2nd Month: 5-6 hrs./wk. on class, reading, coaching, being coached, practicing energy tools (certification students give and receive coaching; 'live class only' folks do not give and receive coaching)
- 3rd Month: 5-6 hrs./wk. on class, reading, coaching, being coached, various practices (certification students give and receive coaching; 'live class only' folks do not give and receive coaching)
How are my questions answered?
Each Tuesday class has many places for Q&A. You also have:
- a group Facebook page for fast Q&A and sharing with your group - for all student levels
- monthly coaching calls with Diana - for full class/certification students only
- you can email Diana at any time throughout the course - for all student levels
Do I receive coaching?
Yes, in a couple of ways! For full class, certification students, you have three private, 1:1 coaching sessions with founder Diana Adkins. The first is to get to know each other and the following sessions are to discuss any issues that have arisen for you as you have practiced coaching, to discuss any 'fine tuning' needed and to talk about your certification - and more as needed.
You also have the option of purchasing additional coaching from Diana at a reduced rate for students!
Lastly, you will be coached by another student when you start peer coaching during the last two months of the program (during which time you'll also be practicing coaching yourself!).
The Live Class only students don't give and receive peer coaching and don't coach with Diana monthly.
You also have the option of purchasing additional coaching from Diana at a reduced rate for students!
Lastly, you will be coached by another student when you start peer coaching during the last two months of the program (during which time you'll also be practicing coaching yourself!).
The Live Class only students don't give and receive peer coaching and don't coach with Diana monthly.
Will I gain coaching experience in the course?
Yes! For full certification students, after learning the basic life coaching tools taught in the first month, you will be paired with another participant to coach (and be coached). You'll have one peer to coach during month two, and a new peer to coach during month three. This gives you an opportunity to practice the tools taught, and to gain confidence in yourself within a learning environment - and means you will have coached two different 'clients' before you ever graduate!
All sessions are recorded, and after the first session, our trainers will be pulling recordings and getting transcripts to check and see how you’re doing and to provide you support and feedback.
You will have lots of experience coaching before you graduate to begin your own coaching business!
All sessions are recorded, and after the first session, our trainers will be pulling recordings and getting transcripts to check and see how you’re doing and to provide you support and feedback.
You will have lots of experience coaching before you graduate to begin your own coaching business!
Will there be a way for our group to connect and work together?
Yes! Each group has a private Facebook page to share experiences and ask questions, as well as opportunities throughout each class for Q&A and breakout groups where you work with other students.
And once certified, there is a special, private 'Artist Graduate' Facebook page for certification student grads to stay connected and share information.
And once certified, there is a special, private 'Artist Graduate' Facebook page for certification student grads to stay connected and share information.
What do I need to do to be certified as a Life Coach?
- Attend the live Tuesday calls. (Note: missing more than 3 can affect your certification unless you've made special arrangements with us.)
- Record 6-8 coaching sessions for evaluation of skills taught, questions asked, amount of time listening and overall life coaching/energetic skills development.
- You will receive individual ‘fine tuning’ to support you in improving your coaching skills - so you're covered and supported. No student is left behind!
- There will also be a certification session where you "coach the coach" at the end of the course as a final evaluation along with your written essay component.
- Once you pass your evaluations and given your skill development - you will be certified as a Certified Life Coach (CLC), Certified Spiritual Coach (CSC) and a Certified Energetic Coach (CEC) – and usually all three!
Is there support once I graduate?
Yes! Artist of the Spirit offers free, monthly coaching support calls to support all certified graduates. They're held at two times (mid-day and early evening) on the first Wednesday of each month!
We also have a free Graduate’s Facebook page to stay in touch and share. See Bonuses included in the training here!
We also have a free Graduate’s Facebook page to stay in touch and share. See Bonuses included in the training here!
No - there are many avenues! Many of our graduates go on to assume leadership roles within their organizations. HR professionals use coach skills to transform office environments and many companies like NASA, IKEA, and others use coaches for their employees.
Google recently felt that coach skills were one of the highest sought-after qualities in a good manager.
With large corporations (see Forbes' article) such as GE, Goldman Sachs, and Google now spending more than a billion dollars per year on executive coaching in the US alone it becomes clear: your training in the professional skill set of coaching can pay dividends for you. Note, too, that many professionals who use coaching techniques and skills do not have “coach” in their titles and don’t need to - but they do have the skills.
Google recently felt that coach skills were one of the highest sought-after qualities in a good manager.
With large corporations (see Forbes' article) such as GE, Goldman Sachs, and Google now spending more than a billion dollars per year on executive coaching in the US alone it becomes clear: your training in the professional skill set of coaching can pay dividends for you. Note, too, that many professionals who use coaching techniques and skills do not have “coach” in their titles and don’t need to - but they do have the skills.